Flexible and advanced integration solution.
If you have a physical store where you need a checkout system, we provide a complete solution with software for you.
Simple and intuitive user interface and minimal user training time make this checkout solution optimal for most businesses.

Receipt, Barcode & Label.
Automatic work with all barcode reader models. Support camera scanning.
Real-time synchronization.
Synchronize table booking data in real time between the waiter’s phone / tablet and the kitchen’s.
Digital weight.
Supports digital scale with barcode format setting.

Efficient functions.
User-friendly software that can be scaled with your business.
eCommerce integration.
Online POS payment (allow check-out with online store payment gateway via POS panel).
Multi integration.
Grocery and restaurant condition with customer insight / kitchen views.

Easy and simple to control!
With our POS solution you get an easy tool for every conceivable need in a checkout system.
The solution is based on Business Central and gives you e.g. Cash statement, printout on receipt printer and bookkeeping of cash sales.
Staff can easily add, summarize or scan products at checkout, adjust the amount and add discounts or issue refunds.